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Sammamish Invites Citizens to Participate in Comprehensive Plan

The City of Sammamish invites the public to weigh in on its future through its comprehensive planning effort, “Envision Sammamish 2044.” We encourage all residents, homeowners, and renters alike, along with our business and community leaders, to join a conversation that shapes the City’s future.

The Envision Sammamish planning process will begin with The Planning Summit, a series of five events held on the evenings of Nov. 3rd, 7th, 10th, 14th and 16th. These sessions will introduce planning topics like Visioning, Housing, Mixed Use Centers, and Transportation and will provide an opportunity for the community to share their ideas and concerns that will shape the City‘s future. The Nov. 3rd Kick-off session will be hosted at City Hall with a virtual option and the later sessions will be hosted virtually. Language translation is available upon request.

The comprehensive planning process will be conducted in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), which requires cities to update their comprehensive plans every 10 years. The Comprehensive Plan is a 20-year vision and roadmap for Sammamish’s future. Our plan guides City decisions on where to build new jobs and houses, how to improve our transportation system, and where to make capital investments such as utilities, parks, sidewalks, schools, and libraries. Our Comprehensive Plan is the framework for most of Sammamish’s big picture decisions on how to grow while preserving environmental assets and improving our neighborhoods.

This community process will take about 18 months to complete and with another 6-9 months for plan review by the Planning Commission, adoption by the City Council, and final certification by the Puget Sound Regional Council. We encourage citizens to join the conversation to envision the City’s future as public participation is an important part of the planning process. Early and frequent community engagement brings diverse perspectives and values into the City’s decision-making process and enables the City to make choices informed by its citizens. This collaboration builds mutual understanding and trust between the City and the public. The goal of the plan is to provide all stakeholders an opportunity to participate in the Comprehensive Plan update process.

We want to hear what our citizens envision Sammamish to be in the future. As Sammamish reaches its 25th anniversary as a city, we look to our community members to help shape the next 20 years. Our goal is to make the Sammamish more equitable, livable, sustainable, and resilient. We encourage Sammamish residents, businesses, and community groups to share their vision about how Sammamish can grow for today’s communities and future residents. Check out the video below to learn more about the Comprehensive Planning background and process!

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